Rahat Welfare Trust was established in 1992 with the primary objective of promoting the welfare of Muslim women and children, particularly that of widows and orphans.

While Rahat started working in 1992, some of us associated with Rahat have a grass-roots background in this kind of work of almost thirty years. Due to this kind of exposure we discovered that there was no organisation in Mumbai that offered timely help to women on a continuing basis. Particularly to widows, divorcees and deserted women and their children. From this perspective Rahat is a need based organisation. We have filled a need in the city. Currently we have over 2200 applications from such bereaved and deserving families.

Welfare literally means well-being. And well-being is defined as a state of good health, happiness and prosperity. We feel that the well-being of this most vulnerable group of our community - the widows, the divorcees and the deserted women - could be achieved by educating their children. Untrained and uneducated these women when they come to Rahat for help, when they sob and cry and plead - almost universally they all want to educate their children. Rahat is helping them do just that.

We cannot really express the tragedy, the misery and the anguish
that we face when we deal with these hapless women.